Huwebes, Oktubre 24, 2013

An Appler A Day, Keeps other Ships Away :)

I was roaming around the twitter kingdom when i happen to see Sandara Park and Ryan Bang convo. And since I'm a fan of Sandy since her SCQ days and maybe having that proud feeling towards her being famous but still have that humble heart that never forgets, i searched her mentions and go over her account. And i saw these people talking about evidences,pictures, videos,twitter, convos, and matching outfits of Krungy and a  certain guy. Sorry but honestly, im not aware of GD before. I even deleted his Heartbreaker MV  thinking he was gay without even watching the whole vid. But now, that heartbreaker look of GD for me is his most handsome look. And believe me, now? i fell head over heels for him .. So that was the start of me shipping DARAGON. but that's not my point. This blog is not for Dara and Jiyong. But for the awesome, clever, and supportive Applers behind around them. Well, I'm proud to say that i belong in that circle now .. ^_^

I'm really amazed how clever applers are. How they investigate every move, outfit, accessory, hairstyle, lyrics of GD's song, IG/Twitter/Weibo/SNS posts of their ship. How they connect the dots in every instance of their ship's lives is really witty. And when it comes to defending Dara and Jiyong, no other fandom can be as aggressive, as strong and as supportive as Daragon Apllers. I've seen it myself and i was thinking "Waaah! Dara and Jiyong is one lucky couple having this solid fans behind  around supporting and protecting them.  I for one  is a fan of Applers (and i'm proud to say that I'm one of them, So would that make me a fan of myself?hahaha. If that makes sense).

I just want to extend my appreciation to these awesome applers who actively updating me and other lost soul apllers in the circle. :)
@katieCbueno - who always replying to her dongsaengs and always giving us contests with giveaways
@ma_oh_ri - who happens to be my first appler friend who i had convo with 
@xxxjiyan - who never fails to reply to my lost soul questions
@Jiyongdar88 - who is so outspoken yet such a supportive appler (im telling you,dont you dare mess with this girl)! haha
@Baktinski - who gives us that extreme giddiness in her Daragon  videos.
@LiLoRee1205- who never fails to surprise us applers with her detectivelike skills. 

I'm a busy person with a blood sucking course. And now that I'm about to take my Pharmacy Licensure Exam, i seldom go online, so i'm really thankful having these people on my TL for constantly updating me. 

To all the Applers in the world, my feeling towards you guyz is beyond words. You have no idea how much I idolize you and your amazing spazzing talent and supportive and solid stands towards Daragon. I didn't regret that i chose this ship. You guyz, you are the best. I hope that one day we could meet in person and of course discuss our favorite topic DARAGON. :)

From late night spazzing, to downloading Daragon videos (playing it over and over again), to editing Daragon manips and memes,to delulu minds and fanfictions,to extreme giddiness turned into tears because of extreme happiness. We're all in this together. And we'll never stop proving to the world that Daragon is real until we hear it from our ship themselves admitting that HELL YEAH! DARAGON IS REAL!! :D

PS: to the haters: you can tell all the reasons u have in ur pockets but Daragon is REAL.. #flipshair *winkwink ;)

Would it be nice if we Applers will be invited in Park Kwon Nuptials? ahahaha. AMEN!

Linggo, Hunyo 9, 2013

so closer yet so far

To my ever Burning, Lovely, Emotional, and Untouchable Musicians,

I've been a fan of these talented, handsome, and jaw dropping men for quite some time now. I know I can’t compete with those who have been watching over them, supporting, and following them for ages. Those people whose with them from the start. Those people who know them well ( from the very bits of their stories).I’m a newbie, yet ,I think I also have something (way too heavy to carry) to say  about these beautiful men.

As far as my knowledge towards this group is concern. Correct me if I’m wrong.

I admire their passion towards work. I love how they value their jobs and I salute how they treat each other: AS A FAMILY.

As to Yonghwa oppa’s stand as a leader, he never left the group despite of the fame that he could have/he already have. He stood beside them. I guess every leader should always bare that in mind. I really appreciate the way he treats his band mates. The way he couches them, the way he supports them. I know each of them is doing the same thing towards each other. On a lighter note, I really salute his knowledge towards music especially composing songs. The music that he wrote is full of love, passion, and indeed EMOTIONS.
PS: I love your English diction J

Junghyun is really a burning desire of every woman. His talent in playing the guitar is undeniably awesome. His voice captures every heart of someone who reaches its magic. My friend (who has a crush on JungHyun) said that JH is quite stubborn, and serious, and yeah , that's what makes her attracted to the burning guitarist. But as what I’ve seen on interviews and some videos on youtube, (if the rumors are true) JH really changed for the better. It’s really good to know that he also tried acting (even change his Busan accent) even though he’s quite hesitant to accept the role on “A Gentleman’s Dignity”. I really watched that TV Series after my class because of JH. Keep it up JungHyun oppa! J

Untouchable indeed is Jungshin. He’s really taaaaallll.haha… I love his character. His sense of humor. I think, he’s the clown of the house. As what I’ve heard on their interviews, JS keeps his Hyungs entertained. i love his jokes, his segways, and his punchlines. That's really a big YES to the girls. Although I miss his old long hair, I can’t deny the fact that he looks more handsome and HOT with his new look (if ud agree with me, I think he looks like Yonghwa <in some angles>with his new haircut ) I’m also excited to see him acting (bad thing his TV Show is not airing in the Philippines). But I’m really looking forward to be able to watch his show. You’re indeed a happy virus Jungshin…
PS:I like how you play the bass guitar. You’re like scratching an itchy skin.. Piece a cake J

Who else could be lovelier than my ever lovely drummer Minhyuk (forgive me for being bias, but I really100x admire this soft voice, chinky smiling eyed guy with a perfect smile. I don’t know. Whenever I post his pic on tumblr or facebook, my words can’t satisfy my feelings. I admire him a lot that I couldn't afford to miss his TV series “I've fallen for you”(its entitled “Heartstrings” here in the Philippines) and “My husband got a family” (its entitled “Unexpected you” here in the Philippines.). On another note, I really admire his jolly character. Him being the most neat and tidy among his band mates is such a major turn on in every girl’s heart. Being (sometimes) teased by his Hyung, he managed to control his temper and can’t afford (maybe just can’t) to get angry. Its soooo me! His talent in playing the drums is undeniably awesome. I mean, body coordination is such a big factor in playing the drums yet he managed to do it well (even perfectly).  ♡♥♡

I love this band. I love how they give so much effort to their craft. I’m not a professional musician but I can really feel their hunger in music whenever they’re on stage or even just watching them on their MTVs.  And now that they’re having a world tour, it simply shows how they’re being loved by the world.

They never fail to amaze me every time they’re having an interview. They’re  just so honest and frank.  I love how they try their best to learn new languages just to linked with their fans. They’re really a MUST SEE.

It’s just so sad (depressing actually) cuz they’re going to be in the Philippines. Hey! I live in the Philippines!! Yet the venue is an hour plane ride from my place and my parents wouldn't allow me cuz i have errands and its days after my graduation so I have stuffs to follow up in school and I don’t have someone to be with me (criestodeath) so closer yet so far  T_T 

But anyway, I know this isn’t gonna be the last time that CNBLUE would visit the Philippines. I know we’ll see each other someday. Definitely not on the 15th but who knows. Maybe everyday SOMEDAY..

Continue to inspire people lovidubs.. continue to inspire me J

PS: thanks for being one of my inspirations. Just want you to know that I've already graduated from my bloodsucking course “pharmacy” .. See what your magic could do?? Kansahamnida!! Fighting J saranghaeyo <3

From DoOdie with l♡♥♡ve